LUCAS was in the University


LUCAS was intelligent and had a good life in the the university. He had a girl friend who was studying in another university in the northern part of the country.

Somehow, for some wrong choices he may have made, he was dropped out of the university and his father threatened that he did not want to see Lucas ever again.

Lucas was out of school but could not come home to the town where his family lived. He hung around a neighboring town, not knowing what to do. During this period, he came to a change of heart and his attitude was largely positive. His situation persisted, but he was willing to work his way through it.

Lucas and I met later on and he needed to talk. We became friends and over a period of time he talked and I listened. We became ideas-partners and tested out a couple of business initiatives together. These weren’t much, neither did they produce much. But they were good for day to day survival and something to do for luck and miracle.

Lucas never made it back to the university, and his father never quite forgave him, but he had overcome his demons and things were better than before. He later traveled abroad where his girlfriend joined him and they got married.

If you feel a need to talk; to be listened to, you could share your story here or privately send me an email.

Let’s share the burden.

Thank you so much.

My name is Leonard.

I will be very much around the media, and you will please help me keep this going. Do let me have your comments and sincere feedback. I am hoping to hear from you soon.

Leonard Chintua-Chigbu
Listening and Creative Communication Artist
BA Fine Art (Painting) University of Benin 1986

Who I am and what I Want

My Book - Leonard's Book 2

Who am I and What do I want? I am attracted to the understanding, and appreciation of the art of human circumstances, challenge and situation, to imagine the likely configuration, components and cultured composition, in order to explore their possible beauties, and to discover composure and posture for a desirable and beautiful outcome.

How do I do this? We are able to do this through my listening to you. My attention will empower you and encourage you to feel safe and able to say how you feel. You may also be able to describe your circumstance, the difficult areas and what you think makes them difficult. You may also not be able to do this. But because you are talking and I am listening, we will likely see the knots untie or how they were tied and what could be the position we will take to encourage things to shift towards our goal.

Why do I do this? I am not exactly able to say why, but I like it and have always found energy to do it when it comes my way. I also enjoy it when my friends stop calling and call back sometimes to talk about another issue or call to apologize for not calling more frequently as before. I am continuously happy because they are now able to be happy.

It is a painting completed, rather a masterpiece restored, making our world richer by the brush stroke of one human life.

My name is Leonard.

I will be very much around the media, and you will please help me keep this going. Do let me have your comments and sincere feedback. I am hoping to hear from you soon.

Leonard Chintua-Chigbu
Listening and Creative Communication Artist
BA Fine Art (Painting) University of Benin 1986

Hello world!

TARUZIMASO introduction


Taruzimaso is a growing community of people who have loved and shared their challenges, and are investing in patience, thought, and prayer to help one another. We are an outreach and appeal to all people and gender, across racial, political, religious, and sexual orientations.

Please cheer someone up. Through your comments, feel free to also share your story or stories with the ‘Community’. Make it an interesting, short, compact and well punctuated story. Your candle shines brightest where light is needed.

“I have always enjoyed listening, and people have told me how much they have been helped” -Leonard.


Our cause

Our cause is a battle against our worries and fears which say ‘Worse things will happen to us’

We say that though there is no such life as one without challenges, or rose beds without prickly thorns, we tell the story of life’s challenge to illustrate that they are finite.

Our friends will come out with an after taste that they too can pull through their challenges.

In celebrating the ephemeral nature of all life’s impediments, our story is a collection of how all troubles ENDED.

Therefore, at any point you wish, you can, DONATE to support our cause.